Local initiatives and campaigns

Місцеві ініціативи та кампанії

Protests in Cambridge: Cambridge University Ukrainian Society (CUUS) and Cambridge4Ukraine organise protests in Cambridge (on King's Parade). For the protests' schedule and details, see the Events calendar.

At the end of each protest, we sing Ukrainian national anthem - see the lyrics here Ukrainian anthem (Гімн України)

Sign an Open Letter to your MP https://openletter.earth/cambridge4ukraine-f0dc26e3

Some local initiatives (more to be added soon):

Деякі місцеві ініціативи (список буде поповнюватися):

Cambridge4Ukraine is a volunteer initiative set up by Ukrainians in Cambridge to carry out campaigns in support of Ukraine and support refugees (see more on this website!). Twitter

Cambridge University Ukrainian Society is the official association of Ukrainians, that are doing their studies or research at the University of Cambridge.

Website , Facebook page

Cambridge Ukrainian Studies is an academic centre at the University of Cambridge, aims to promote and contribute to the study of Ukraine in the United Kingdom and beyond - website, Facebook page

Musicians For Ukraine - collaboration of musicians in support of Ukraine

Cambridge Mums Unite For Ukraine (Mums4Ukraine) is a grassroots volunteer run charity supporting Ukraine. Mums4Ukraine mission is to use connections and hard work to create better outcomes for Ukrainian families. Website, Facebook page

Cambridge Ukrainians and Supporters of Ukraine - general group in Facebook for Ukrainians and supporters of Ukraine in Cambridge (please use care and judgement regarding providing your personal details to strangers!)

Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum: https://cecf.co.uk/

Cambridge Refugee Resettlement Campaign: https://www.cambridgerefugees.org/

Cambridge Convoy Refugee Action Group: https://camcrag.org.uk/

There are numerous WhatsApp chats, including Relief and Activism.